What we offer

Experience, Commitment, and Innovation

Instruments and Controls (I&C) are typically installed during a project’s critical final phases. At JH Kelly, we know that the groundwork for a successful I&C project must be laid right from the start. It takes a contractor experienced with instrumentation and accelerated schedules to identify long lead items, assemble accurate submittals, and coordinate timely delivery for a complete installation. We work closely with the owner’s representatives, design engineers, and specialty controls integrators, resulting in smooth and timely start-ups.

JH Kelly maintains a complete inventory of NIST-certified calibration equipment. Our mobile instrumentation trailers allow on-site calibration while providing a controlled environment for device storage.

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Our Experience

From design assistance through start-up

JH Kelly’s team is experienced in:

  • Coordinating exact instrument locations
  • Predetermining locations of process points
  • Verifying proper access for maintenance
  • Coordinating special installation requirements
  • Assembling O&M manuals throughout the project

Featured Projects

Over the years, clients and contractors have partnered with JH Kelly to solve their biggest challenges. Our portfolio is a reflection of our company, our integrity, and our commitment to delivering the optimal solution.


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