IDCGM_ tank weld

Grupo Modelo

Idaho Falls, Idaho

JH Kelly completed the mechanical systems' installation on a new barley processing plant for Grupo Modelo, the largest brewer in Mexico.

Project highlights include the following:

  • 210,000 man-hours
  • installation of Seginsa equipment (germination, steeping and kilning machines, grain receiving, destoning, and cleaning machines with a 6,000 bushels per hour capacity)
  • pipe fabrication
  • erection of 18 stainless steel tanks including six 2' x 40' germination and kilning tanks and six 32' x 40' steeping tanks
  • installation of 7,400 lineal feet of drag conveyors, 1,000 lineal feet of screw conveyors and 3,700 lineal feet of bucket conveyors

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